effective and compeling emails

8 Tips for Writing An Effective and Compelling Email

Email is one of the most common ways for humans to communicate, so when you receive a message from someone, the last thing you should do is not read it! If it is too long, it could take you hours to reply to that message if you wanted to and that means that you may end up forgetting about it. Do you know what this means? 

That's why I thought I should share some of my favorite tips with you about how you should write emails. I'm sure you can use this information and that you will be able to save time and develop more effective communication.


1. Don't write more than you need.


The reason this is number one is that you will be wasting a lot of your time. It's a common mistake that people make when they start a new job or when they start a new project or any new endeavor. They want to write a lot, to make a mark and impress the reader. But in most cases, this is a foolish idea. You don't need to say everything you think and write. Don't try to prove a point with your message; don't write an essay. Simply write what is essential for you to send.


When people are writing their emails, they have different goals. Some are writing just to inform, others are trying to sell or convince, but for the most part, they are writing to build a relationship and to persuade people. So be patient and think before you write and then write what you think, not what you feel.


2. Keep the email simple.


That's it, keep your email simple. Too much information can be distracting. So don't write your life story, don't describe yourself as a child, and don't explain why you are writing. Just say what you need to say and move on. It doesn't matter that your emails sound like a letter, they are not. They are business related, so keep it simple.


3. Write your message in the first person.


If you think that the first person would have an advantage in person-to-person communication, you are wrong. While this is true, if you are writing a message to a large number of people, it doesn't matter if you use the third person or the first person. All that matters is that you get the point across. 

That's why believe that writing in the first person is best, so you don't forget what you have to say.


4. Don't forget the subject line


The subject line is the only thing that you should consider when you send an email, no matter what. First of all, this is the first thing that your recipient sees when they open your message. That's why it's so important and it also makes it easier for them to spot your message. 

Second, it tells your recipient what you are writing about. If the subject line is good, your recipient will be more likely to read the message. If you leave it out, they will be less likely to read it and that can create a lot of frustration.


5. Write a short email.


If you want to keep your emails short, you should consider whether you are missing something or not. It is easy to write a short email. 

It can be about three sentences long or just a few paragraphs. In most cases, it will be a simple email that you could read in just a few minutes. If you go to write a long email, you are going to spend too much time thinking and writing. That can be frustrating. So keep it short and to the point.


6. Write your email in an easy-to-read language


If you are reading this right now, you are likely to read this email in English. Most people are not proficient in other languages and they struggle to read texts that are written in another language. That is why I'm suggesting that you write in a language that they are likely to understand. It is so easy to make mistakes if you are trying to translate something that you don't know because you are struggling to read it. 

You need to use an email app on your phone or your desktop and you should make sure that your message is written in the language that they speak.


7. Focus on one idea or subject


It's easy to get carried away with writing about multiple things. But in most cases, you should write a concise message and you should keep it simple.


It is true that it is helpful to write about more things, but in most cases, people are not going to read the entire email. They will read the first paragraph and then move on to something else. You need to make sure that you write about a single point, the one thing that you are most likely to get across in the first five minutes.


8. Don't forget to add value


You can have the most amazing idea in the world, but if it is not useful, if it doesn't have value, you won't get anyone's attention. 

That's why it is important to think about your message, what it will mean for the reader, what will it bring to the table, and what will it get across to them. It should make a difference, in the reader's life. 

Your reader is different and your message needs to appeal to them. You can't just give a message and forget about it. You need to make it sound like it has value to your reader. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that you are a salesperson. But if you want people to take your idea seriously, you need to show them that it has value. If your message is not useful, your reader might forget about it. 

You need to give them something that they will remember and it is up to you to make sure that they will remember it. That is why you need to show them that it has value.

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