Boost Your Email Marketing Strategy

7 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing is an important part of any business's strategy. It can help you build relationships with customers, and generate leads and sales while generating revenue for your business. But if you're new to email marketing or have been doing it for a while but aren't seeing the results you want, there are some simple tips you can use to boost your efforts:

1. Use a simple, clean email layout

A good rule of thumb is to use only one image per email and make sure that the image is relevant and not distracting. Most importantly, remember that the most important element of your email is the "text”. Make sure it's readable.

 - Use a simple, clean layout.

- Avoid using a lot of images in your emails.

- Avoid using text with the same color as the background. This can make it difficult for recipients to read and reply, which is why we recommend avoiding this kind of design at all costs!

-Use a plain background color and font that is easy to read (for example black font on a white background).

2. Optimize for mobile

Mobile browsing is on the rise, and you need to be ready for it. You can't assume that people will read your emails on their desktop or laptop screens. They're likely to be reading them on smartphones and tablets as well! And if they do happen to see your email in a phone browser, chances are good that you'll have a higher bounce rate than usual because of the difficulty navigating through the page (and therefore not getting what you want).

In order for visitors who view your emails on mobile devices to not only know what they're looking at but also understand it fully.

You need to make sure all elements within each piece of content are readable when viewed from any angle: color contrast between text and background; font size; line spacing between paragraphs; etc - all the factors that make it easy for someone using their phone/tablet device to read an article online today.

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3. Segment your email list by interests and behavior

Segmenting your audience allows you to understand their preferences and interests. This is helpful because it helps you target the people who are most likely to engage with your emails or even purchase from you in the future.

For example, if a customer has purchased multiple times from your business and has an account with two different email addresses (a personal address and a business one), then segmenting by behavior will help uncover which one is more engaged with content on the site. If they're using both email accounts often enough, then that suggests they value convenience over privacy when signing up for new services like yours, so maybe it's time for them to get another account set up.

4. Set expectations with automated emails

Automated emails are a great way to set expectations with your customers. You can use automated emails to let them know about new products or services, upcoming events, or even share information about upcoming events you've got planned for your business.

If you're sending out this kind of email, then make sure it's personalized by using the person's name in the subject line and/or body text so that they feel as if they're getting an actual message from someone at their company, not just some generic marketing fluff sent from an unknown sender (which would be worse than no communication at all).

5. Give recipients options for content type

As you build your email marketing strategy, consider giving your readers options for the content type that you send them. This can help boost engagement rates and make it easier for them to unsubscribe if they don't want more of that type of message in their inboxes. For example, if you're sending a newsletter and you offer an option to receive all emails as blog posts instead of as newsletters (or vice versa), this will give people who would rather get their news on LinkedIn or Twitter another option besides signing up for yet another weekly email blast from yours truly.

6. Monitor Open Rates and Click-throughs

Tracking email open rates and click-throughs are important in order to ensure that your emails are reaching the right audience. In addition, it can be helpful for you to understand how effective each email is at converting leads into customers.

There are several tools available for tracking this data, such as Google Analytics for Gmail or MailChimp's Templates feature. You should also use any third-party marketplace where you sell products or services (like Shopify) because they will provide access to analytics tools built specifically around their platform's features.

You should also consider using a service like SumoMe which offers integration with other tools such as Google Analytics so they're automatically tracked by all of them at once.

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7. Measure your results and adjust

When it comes to email marketing, you should be measuring your results. The more data you have, the better position you'll be when making adjustments or changes. Here are some ways to track and measure your campaign:

- Use analytics software like Google Analytics or MixPanel that can track user engagement and behavior at scale. This will give you a better idea of who is engaging with your emails and when they do so.

- Use third-party services like Getresponse to offer features like conversion tracking (tracking how many people sign up for a newsletter subscription) as well as email segmentation.

8. Always include social share icons

The share button should be at the top of your email, as this is where users are most likely to click. If you don't have any call to action, people will probably not follow through with anything in your email.

Social media is an important part of building your brand and getting new customers. By adding a link to your website in one of these emails, you can start building an audience for future marketing efforts.

9. Be consistent

Consistency is one of the most important factors to consider when building an email marketing strategy. Consistency will help you stand out from competition and build trust with your subscribers, making them feel like they can rely on you for information and advice.

It's also an invaluable factor for building relationships with people who are yet to know about your products or services. It also helps in establishing yourself as a brand name in their minds.

10. Pick an email provider that offers tools to make personalization easier

You can use tools that allow you to personalize the content of your emails. This will make it easier for users to digest and respond more quickly, which will increase engagement rates.

These types of tools include:

- Link tracking: This feature allows you to see how many people actually clicked on a link in your email. You can then use this information to decide whether or not the link was relevant and helpful for users.

- Segmenting: This allows you to create personalized groups based on user behavior. For example, if a user has visited several pages of your website but hasn't purchased anything yet, you may want to send them more content about why they should purchase from your company.

Automated emails: This feature allows you to create automated emails that are sent out on a schedule. For example, if you want to send an email every Monday morning with the latest blog posts from your website, this option can help make sure it happens.


Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you build your brand, increase sales, and increase customer satisfaction. It's no secret that email marketing has been declining in popularity over the past decade or so. However, there are ways to make it more effective by using some of the tips we shared with you today.

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