list building strategies for 2023

Email List Building: 8 Best List Building Strategies for 2023

Email list building is one of the biggest challenges for digital marketers because the email open rate is much lower than inbound marketing. 

The reason behind it is that email marketing is one of the last channels of digital marketing for B2B. 

And that is not even one of the most frustrating things that you have to deal with. 

So, that is why this guide is so crucial for B2B marketers that are trying to build email lists for their B2B offers. 

Even though the email open rate is lower, it's not much lower. It's around 60% of the average content marketing email campaign. 

And I've analyzed a ton of data to discover what you can do to increase it. So, in this guide, I'm going to show you how you can build a great email list for your B2B offers and, of course, increase your open rate. 

I'll also go through a ton of data-driven strategies and a guide on how to implement them so you can succeed in building email lists for your B2B business. 

What is Email List Building?


When you start building a list of email subscribers, you are reaching out to the people who are interested in your products and services and building relationships with them. 

And once you reach out to them, your emails or newsletters could be like mini ads that get them to convert into your customers. 

Once you have built a list of email subscribers, your email marketing strategy becomes more powerful as you can now have a relationship with your subscribers, which you'd never been able to achieve before. 

Therefore, you can always send them messages that interest them and they'll be able to remember you better. 

You'll even find it easier to persuade them to convert into your customers. 

Because you now have a relationship with them, you'll be able to sell to them and build a better relationship with them, too. 

This is also one of the best ways to get more traffic to your website and start increasing your online presence in the long run. 

Why Should You Be Concerned About Email List Building?


Let's start with the importance of email list building for your B2B business.


After all, email marketing is a lot different from inbound marketing because email is more "static." 

So, that means that there is a ton of things that you can do in content marketing, but there are very few that you can do in email marketing. However, the main reason you need email list building is that it works and it works much better than inbound marketing. 

The reason why email marketing works is that you have a much higher open rate and conversion rate. So, if you want to create an effective marketing campaign, you can try email marketing with an audience that is receptive to your content and offers. 

Even though email has a low engagement rate, it's still a much better engagement rate than content marketing. 

And that's why email list building is crucial for digital marketers that are running a business that offers products or services in the B2B industry. There are a ton of mistakes that can be made with an email marketing campaign and you don't want to end up with a bunch of low-quality leads. That can be a major problem and that is why email list building is crucial. 

How to Build a Better Email List?


Of course, there are tons of mistakes you can make while building a list and if you're going to succeed at it, you have to make sure you avoid them all. 

And that is why, in this guide, I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about how to create a successful email list for your business. 

But first, let's talk about the main problems that a lot of email marketing campaigns go through. 

Email marketing has very high bounce rates 

Bounce rate is the percentage of unopened emails from your target audience. You can track it in your email marketing software. 

In this guide, I'll talk about what it means to have a high bounce rate and why it's so common for email marketing campaigns. 

How do you make sure you build a great email list?


You have to know your audience, so you can create a more effective campaign. 

Of course, it's not enough to just create a list of people who want to receive content from you. 

You have to know your audience. 

You have to build relationships with them and make sure you know everything about them. That's I what do in my digital marketing agency. That's why I can build email lists that convert and my clients love the results that come from my campaigns. You also have to make sure you create content that makes sense and is valuable to your audience. 


Here are 8 strategies for building an email list in 2023:


Offer an incentive for signing up: Offer a free resource, such as an e-book or webinar, in exchange for an email address. This will encourage people to sign up and provide value to them. 

Use social media to promote your email list: Promote your email list on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, to attract new subscribers. 

Add opt-in forms to your website: Add opt-in forms to your website to allow visitors to easily sign up for your email list. 

Run a contest or giveaway: Run a contest or giveaway and require email sign-ups to enter. This will help you build your email list quickly. 

Offer a lead magnet: A lead magnet is a valuable resource that you offer in exchange for an email address. This could be a white paper, an e-book, or a free trial. 

Use exit-intent pop-ups: Exit-intent pop-ups appear when a visitor is about to leave your website. Use these to offer a lead magnet or encourage email sign-ups. 

Collaborate with other businesses: Collaborate with other businesses and offer each other's email lists as a free resource. This will help you reach a new audience and grow your email list. 

Use content upgrades: Content upgrades are additional resources related to a specific blog post or piece of content. Offer these as a free download in exchange for an email address. 

Remember to always follow best practices for email marketing, such as including an opt-out option and being transparent about how you will use subscribers' email addresses.  



So as you can see, email is easy to write and you don't need to be a professional writer to send a good email. But as we have seen, you can write emails that will make a difference. 

You just need to know a few things. You need to think about what you are going to say, and you need to write it in a language that people will understand.

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